Small Group Ministry
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." 2 Timothy 3:16 (NIV)
Open Leadership Position
Small Group Ministry Leader
The Small Group Ministry is to provide a means to reach out to non-Christians, to involve people into the church, and to give all Christians a place to belong. As Ripley grows larger, it needs to focus upon functioning smaller. This ministry will concentrate more on the quality of individual and family relationships both with God and each other. It will stress importance on making disciples through relationship evangelism and discipleship. This includes conducting specific studies or providing reference materials on pertinent society, family, and personal issues and needs that impact the understanding and application of the Scriptures. This ministry will oversee the curriculum being taught in our adult small group areas.
Areas of Responsibility:
Adult Sunday School:
Coordinate the program and guidelines for the educational studies with respect to teacher training and qualification, curriculum, meeting times and places, fellowship, shepherding, classroom management, record keeping, new class development, and ongoing evaluation.
Connect Groups:
These are groups developed around relationships -- family, friends, associates, peers, and fellow Christians. These would include small group home Bible studies.
Women's Ministry:
Provide oversight for specific opportunities aimed at our ladies.
Support and Recovery Groups:
These groups are developed around physical and / or emotional needs. They specifically address consolation, guidance, and strengthening through biblical knowledge, prayer, concern, and the development of discernment in coping with the various addictions of life such as financial credit problems, workaholism, substance abuse, emotional damage, sexual abuse, divorce, family loss, etc.
Competency Development Groups:
These groups focus upon helping individuals achieve competency in their chosen roles in life, i.e. spouse, parent, homemaker, employee, professional, manager, executive, Christian leader (disciple), etc.
Seminars / Workshops:
To research and schedule small group seminars, workshops, presentations, or courses in an effort to provide training, expertise, and insight to new ideas and methods from other churches or programs.
To oversee, establish, and hold groups accountable to their individual missions. To communicate other aspects of ministry and church activities to the individual groups and vice versa.

Ministry Leader Name
Ministry Leader Title