Involvement Ministry
" ... speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." Ephesians 4:15,16 (NIV)
Open Leadership Position
Involvement Ministry Leader
The Involvement Ministry works with members, new and established, to involve them in the life and function of the congregation.
Areas of Responsibility:
New Members Recognition:
Through various methods, the Membership / Involvement Ministry will seek to introduce to the congregation those who have placed membership in the Ripley Church. These methods include: new member's board, new members dinner, new members focus in The Happenings, etc.
New Members Welcome:
Following placing membership with Ripley, the Membership / Involvement Ministry will schedule a brief in-home visit with the new member. The purpose being to open lines of communication and expectation.
Talents / Gifts Recognition:
Recognizing one's giftedness is essential to proper participation in God's church. The Membership / Involvement Ministry will develop a plan to determine one's giftedness and directing them into the proper areas of service. Suggested approaches include the "Finding Your Place" class. After determining giftedness, the ministry will assist the new member in choosing an area of service. (explaining ministry options and service areas; contacting appropriate ministry leaders).
The ministry will keep records of each persons giftedness and make them available to ministry leaders.
Nurturing / Follow Up:
The ministry will keep in contact with the new member over a period of 12 months. The purpose being is to insure continued contact with a member and to assist with ministry selection / participation.
Special Friends:
The recruitment / development of a team of individuals who see their ministry as providing a point of contact for new members. This takes place by pairing new members with an established member. The established member 'shepherds' the new member (sits with them, socializes with them, contacts them outside of church.)
Establish and schedule visitation routines to the homes, hospitals, and nursing homes of fellow church members and their families or friends as a way to encourage, uplift, help, and support those in need.
Coordinate a calling team who contacts church visitors, potential prospects, or referrals from others to invite them to attend or return to Ripley. This includes conducting teaching calls where persons are interested in learning more about Christ and/or the church in general.
Coordinate the effort to bring others to a closer relationship with Christ by encouragement, sharing in prayer, and sending get-well, appreciation, birthday, anniversary, congratulatory, and special occasion cards.
Prepare lists and mail evangelistic letters, post cards, and other information to visitors and potential prospects. Also, coordinate invitation-type phone calling efforts for special activities and programs.

Ministry Leader Name
Ministry Leader Title