Administration Ministry
"...I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings." 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 (NIV)
Tom Benter
Administration Ministry Leader
The administration ministry team will coordinate the activities of the Ripley Church. Composed of the hired Staff, this team is responsible to keep ministry moving in a united direction.
Areas of Responsibility:
Develop a schedule of persons to welcome everyone by giving very cordial greetings to persons who enter the church doors prior to Bible study sessions and worship services. This includes training and instruction.
Welcome Center / Koinonia Café Hosts:
Develop a schedule of people/persons to serve in the Welcome Center / Koinonia Cafe to serve coffee/tea/hot chocolate, etc. Welcome everyone by giving cordial greetings and refreshments to persons who enter the church doors prior to Bible study sessions and worship services. This includes training and instruction.
Décor: Coordinate the beautification for the baptismal area, foyer, halls, and auditorium. Also, provide decorations for special services -- Christmas, Easter, etc. Maintain a supply room and catalog items for ongoing usage. The Administration Team is the authority and responsible to oversee the everyday design / appearance of our facilities. Thus keeping a consistent policy of use and appearance. Individuals / groups are not authorized to make changes independently to our facilities.
Use: Anyone desiring to use our facilities must have the event cleared on the master calendar and be in accord with our purpose as a house of worship. The Administration Team will insure that groups / activities using our facilities meet that expectation.
Revivals / Seminars (Front Door Events):
Plan and coordinate periodic evangelistic revivals and seminars to promote outreach within the congregation. This includes scheduling guest speakers and performers for the programs.
Community Events (Side Door Events):
Plan events to reach out to draw community members to the building. Ideally these events should be low key, low pressure, exposure type of events.
Church Calendar:
The Office Manager will keep / post a calendar of events of the Ripley Church, guarding against date / activity conflicts. Church events have priority over non-church events.
Promotion / Posting of Events:
In order for any event to receive promotion through RCC, the event must have the approval of the Administration Team. Posting of materials must be approved by the Administration Team.
Visitor Registration:
Administrate the process of identifying, welcoming, and recording visitors who attend church services and activities.

Ministry Leader Name
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